Piñya® patent relates to the exchange of data (audio, video etc) which uniquely can be requested from a device, location at a certain time.
As an example, a user can request information from a particular geography whether they are physically there or elsewhere. It also allows for the discovery of real time content at a request and the production of content in real time from a real place. Considering Travel: location discovery and logistics. The patent allows the locations to come to life, content to be requested and exchanged in real time from a point of interest. This has a real commercial application with local vendors, offers and paid promotion of products, services and experiences to be discovered from a geographic location. ~ crowd requested, peer produced ~ Imagine planning your trip or arriving at a location, with the tap of a button you can discover what is going on around you, experiences and offers to take up and interact with other peers content. Users could also be rewarded for contributing. With peer to peer and business to consumer connections at the very core – endless opportunities for AIRSTAYZ and the Piñya patent. |